Saturday, January 16, 2010

Keys to the Future

Linear spaces, what one thinks of as current math, language and art - are at a end. My approach is not to replace the current concepts of math, religion, science, art - but to key those linear systems to tensional keyed space.What my art does is "map" the past to the future, by creating keyed spaces and manifolds to higher keyed spaces. Basically I have mechanical systems for three keyed spaces: Linear Keyed Spaces, Hashed Keyed Spaces and Tensional Keyed Spaces.

I am writing in a linear space right now and you are able at some level to follow what i'm saying. Basically with simple static sub-lines, produced in a linear manner, left to right, "words" are being written. Rather then thinking of words as objects, think of a "word" as a key to another space. Like "orange" isn't a Word, but is a cypher system that is a Key to all the examples and experiences a person has of "orange". So while I'm writing this, you could take every Word and map these words to Key's of experiences.

Key's of experiences or events, are held in keyed spaces ... your mind is a tensional keyed space ... basically tension between a fabric of keys. Manifolds connect different more or less mechanical processes to implementations of keyed spaces. When I paint, I'm creating a tensional keyed space, where parts of the space I am mapping to keys to joint experiences of the observer(you) and the creator(me), while other parts of the tensional keyed space I have Null'ed, so emergence of new keys will occur in your mind.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

End of Linear

Linear art that marks the past perspectives of society, is coming to a end. Writing in linear forms, pencil and paper ... where do you even find a pencil sharpener? It's perty much already happened, and the university system is just propogating museum pieces of thought. But does anyone even know what I'm talking about?

In the old days, the big "deal" was drawing and painting in perspective ... basically optics ... which is tracing lines. This is perty obvious in ancient greek works, and became de facto standard in anything past Leonardo's time. Lines, planes, squares, etc ... basically all represent linear systems which are flat to life. The algebra of linear thought is embedded in our institutions, and the error is only visible via exposed gaps to reality.

Lines got mushed and tumbled a bit in the last hundred years, but it all basically follows some tired linear flow ... what the eye can see. What the eye cannot see is touch and tension, probability and options, this is what the future of art is about ... and really ... anyone looking around ... see's the world on a exponential curve.

I think this is what art should focus on, helping people understand the tensional and exponential possibilities that are hitting us every day. The linear artifacts in politics and religion are twisting like buildings that have been exposed to time, if artist are to have a productive place in the future of society, they can help our minds adapt to the unfolding tensions we are all experiencing.