Sunday, December 13, 2009

Poetry and Motion - Cypress Rosewoods Concert

Poetry & Motion is th eonly way to describe Tony Gerber (aka Cypress Rosewoods ) performance at my Kolor Studio last night. The music flowed through space and interacted with the avatars, creating a poetry of tension that is only rarely glipsed in our lives.

Stretch Mayo's machinima started off the night, inspiring the crowd and i'm sure Cypress. I really enjoyed the crowd, I'm not a crowd person, but when there's a click of people that are all on the same wavelength, it's kind of magical.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lashes of Earth Install ... Today's Events

I'm really pleased with my "Lashes of Earth" install ... I think it really works. Did a new "movable" stage, where anyone in the audience can shift the stage (dancing blocks) around. Cypress Rosewood is doing a concert tonight - HOPE IT WORKS! Stretch Mayo did a awesome video with cypress, that uses the install ... he's doing a premier at 7 pm at the kolor studio. I'll add pictures and links ...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm probably doing this in reverse ...

I had a large show on my Kolor Studio Sim with Adam Ramona. Adam integrates interactive music with virtual objects that avatar's interact with. Here's a link ... if I do this correctly to some pictures that where taken ...

The studio has been perty active, on the base level (where the ocean is), I normally have over 50 people a day just randomly pop in. I'm especially happy when i see people interact with the art for a hours, means people are getting what i'm doing (i.e. an observer is a creator).

Thankfully White Lebed curated the install of Adam, otherwise it wouldn't have happened.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Herb Tea and Me

I like herb tea, I've been drinking some gypsy brew ... is good for colds. I normally mix in another bag, like blueberry or cranberry. I heat up a pint of water in the microwave, then poor it into a large cup that keeps the water warm (has some wierd thermal properties) ... with the bags in it. I then put honey in it ... sometimes i like to cool it down with milk. Should make a good painting.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Value of Art ?

I like to learn new things, I just got a rl cello to learn how to better compose with strings. My ear's are still ringing after "playing" my cello ... it has such a "massive" sound. I've been tapping out harmonics with the bow on the cello, I think I have some exciting things moving in that front which i've never done before. When I do something new, it forces me out of ruts. I think in some way, the value of art is it's ability to allow us to move out of destructive cycles.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mixed Reality/Media Events

I really like mixed reality/media events, they are the best art parties(just plain fun).

Tonight I was at Automatic Quandry's mixed media event, I watched in the sound booth three profesional musicians basically (in my words) tell a story with thier instruments. I was hanging on the couch with my SL uplink talking to people, and the music was being broadcast on the internet and also into a virtual reality venue.

We were just hanging on the couch, I had brought jamba juice, Jof9 brought cookies. Eof8 was totally cracking me up, my face was hurting when he started telling me his relationship with his cello(ex). It's really impossible to described a mixed reality/media event ... but go if u can :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Web Based Magazines

There is a article about me in this web based magazine. I really like the format, the article is in squares. I gave a rambling interview for this, was like 2 am ... and i think i fell asleep in the interview (i feel guilty for that) ... i'm not good for interviews in EU or asia time(I tend to ramble ... and it's hard for the news person to bulletize what i'm saying). I'm not a good interviewee anyway, i need to think for a few months before i say something inteligent. I'm not sure exactly how even to spell inteligent ... two ll's one l ... serialized thought doesn't make sense to me.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Have you sold anything?

The most frequent question people ask me on the street is, have I sold a painting recently, followed by how much? Normally I say something stupid, but I have a new "theory".

So my answer now is, "Galleries do that part of the business". If they ask me what galleries, i'll make them do part of the work and ask them "what galleries do u go to?" [i.e. they don't go to galleries, they have no interest in painting, and the questions are really a put down ... but i don't want to judge so i continue]. Depending on the answer, my next response will be, "well search galleries on the internet ... Pollock has paintings like mine, so google galleries and Pollock, and send them email asking them if they could sell my paintings."

Now IF the person goes thru all this, really i'm feeling a bit guilty, but the normal response at this point is "that's way too much money" ... so my response to this is, "go to flickr and download one of my pictures, print it, mark it up with a pen, and I will sign it for free as a augmented original." After all, the point of my work is that the observer creates, and if they've done that much work, I'll augment it. [this is a general ongoing offer btw]

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Painting in the Suburbs ...

Some people think living in the suburbs is boring, but every saterday i walk to a chain store coffee place to get a latte.
On the way the pop warner footbal guys where playing, it's like 7-12 year olds with pads that play american football. The coach was yelling "what color are they" ... kids yelled "blue" ... "what color are they" ... kids yelled "blue" what "color are we" kids yelled "green", then all the kids yelled and two lines of them slammed into each other. I felt like i was in the middle of some braveheart scene.
Down the field where young women playing soccer, it was like watching young doe play in a large field, legs stronger then you'd think ... blonde hair kind of jumping in a fight with the air.
Past that, there was a team that was mostly playing softball, this guy calls out that he will hit a home run on the next pitch ... other team kind of jeers him ... next through ... he hits the ball ... as i'm on the other side of the fence in center field, I see the ball arc over the left field fence for a home run ... it was like i was a a NY Yankee's game watching babe ruth.
When I get back home, the door knocks, and it is a baptist preacher being slightly pushy showing me where the church is ... you have to expect that from a baptist preacher and I didn't mind him being pushy on the scriptures, though I did gracefully close the door ... saying i would try and stop by.
Anyway, some people think living in the suburbs is boring, but if u think of it ... this one walk in the mourning (and i do it every saterday) gave me a year of material i could paint.